Here is the list of Deceased Brethren of St. John’s Lodge No. 21 whom we have included on the website so far. Bear in mind that this is a work in progress and we will be adding many more names over time.
- BAULD, William (1860-1957) Ladysmith Cemetery
- COBURN, John W. (1850-1939) – First Mayor of Ladysmith
- DAVIDSON, David (1868-1949) – Ladysmith Council 1928, 1931. Worshipful Master 1922. Ladysmith Cemetery
- HAMBURGER, Moses (1870-1905) Victoria Jewish Cemetery
- KERR, Archibald (1841-1922) Ladysmith Cemetery
- LOWE, Ira Eugene (died 1947, aged 69) Ladysmith Cemetery
- MASON, Joseph (1879-1968) Mayor of Ladysmith 1931-1933. Ladysmith Cemetery
- McLEAN, Donald (1840-1945) Mountain View Cemetery, Vancouver, BC
- McMURTRIE, Andrew James (1861-1935) Charter Member of St. John’s Lodge No. 21. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery, Nanaimo
- NICHOLSON, Donald (Daniel) (1866-1936) Worshipful Master of St. John’s Lodge No.21, Ladysmith Council – 1904. Mayor of Ladysmith – 1906,1908,1909
- NIMMO, James Pollock (1848-1921) Ladysmith Cemetery
- STEPHENSON, David (1844-1937) – Charter Member of St. John’s Lodge No. 21. Stephenson Point Road in Nanaimo is named for him.
- STEWART, John – Worshipful Master in 1908; see 18 Roberts Street and 28 Roberts Street
- STEWART, William (1834-1904) – Charter member of St. John’s Lodge No.21. Stewart Avenue is Nanaimo, BC is named for him.
- THOMAS, John James (1852-1912)
- WANLESS, John L. (1875-1916) Ladysmith Cemetery

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