Welcome To The St. John’s Lodge No. 21 Home Page
St. John’s Lodge No. 21 is a Masonic Lodge in Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada. It was formed in Wellington (now part of Nanaimo, B.C.) in 1893 and moved to Ladysmith in 1901. St. John’s Lodge No. 21 has been active in the Ladysmith community ever since.
The next Regular Meeting of St. John’s Lodge No. 21 will be held at St. John’s Masonic Temple on Thursday, 9 January 2020. All Visiting Brethren are very welcome to attend.
Our St. John’s Masonic Temple is located at 26 Gatacre Street in downtown Ladysmith, British Columbia. Here is a map showing our location:
Here is a Google Street View image of the St. John’s Masonic Temple:

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