The first Regular Meeting of St. John’s Lodge No. 21 since the COVID-19 restrictions went into effect in March 2020 will be held on Thursday, 9 September 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at the St. John’s Masonic Temple, 26 Gatacre Street, Ladysmith, B.C.
Please note there will be some restrictions on this meeting. Here is an excerpt from the Regular Communication announcing this meeting:
I am also taking this opportunity to explain to you the restrictions we have adopted at this time relative to the ongoing pandemic and Covid virus. Attendance at St Johns Lodge , in keeping with the regulations set for attendance at Grand Master Official Visits, is restricted at this time to those Brethren who are fully vaccinated. This is not a punitive measure against unvaccinated Brethren, but a policy to ensure that unvaccinated Brethren do not contract the virus while attending one of our communications. It is also highly recommended that vaccinated Brethren consider wearing a mask while in the confines of the Lodge room.
It has been established in recent medical releases that the Covid variants can still be caught, carried, and transmitted by and to vaccinated people. In those cases, and depending on the effectiveness of the vaccine, a vaccinated person may have only mild and even undetected symptoms. But an unvaccinated person being exposed to the virus has a more serious result.
I will further tell you that this Covid response is being revisited by my Lodge to determine if there may be other options. At this time, however, the policy stated above is in force. The reopening of St Johns Lodge are subject to the orders of the Provincial Health Officer and any changes that may be made to the expected move to Step 4 of B.C.’s Restart Plan on September 7th, and any new and forthcoming direction from Grand Lodge in this matter.
Proof of vaccination will not be required. Brethren signing the porchbook are attesting to the fact that they have been vaccinated.
Therefore, any of you who feel that you cannot participate or attend the ceremony, please let me know. I will absolutely understand and accept your decision without question.
I thank you for consideration of this direction, and truly hope you all remain well and are able to attend.”

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